Literacy rate of youth: It indicates the percentage of literate people between the age of 15 to 24 who are capable of reading and writing
Literacy rate of adults: It indicates the percentage of literate people aged 15 and above who are capable of reading and writing
Completion rate of primary education: It indicates the percentage of students who completed the last year of primary education.
Education is a means of learning skills and equipping oneself with knowledge. In comparison to an illiterate person, an educated person is more productive and has way more skills which further leads to providing the educated person more opportunities of earning a higher income in comparison to an uneducated one. Therefore education is indeed a vital indicator of education achievement which decides the capacity of earning of an individual. Apart from this, here are some of the essential indicator that indicates educational achievement in a country:
It is a rate that indicates the percentage of the adult population literacy for people who are aged 15 years and above. The word literacy that is being used here is in the context of one's ability to read and write. It is helpful in providing a measure of the total number of literate people with are in the adult population, and the rate here is a term that is expressed in percentages. The more the percentage of adult literacy, is the educational achievement of that country also increases. The percentage of the population that can actively participate in impacting the economic activities of the country.
It is a rate that indicates the percentage of people that are literate between the age of 15 to 24 who are able to read and write. The percentage here denotes the total number of literate people that is within the youth population and is a vital indicator of educational achievement in any country. The reason why it is an indicator here is because of the fact that most of the population of the country is not able to continue the education healthy age of 15 to 24. That is why the more the youth literacy percentage or rate is, the more chances of the achievement of a country increases in terms of education.
It is a rate died indicates a percentage of the total students that have completed the last year of their primary education. Here primary education includes students from classes 1st to 8 in the age group of 6 to 14 years of age. The factors that are here kept in mind are the basic education in writing, reading, and mathematics, and also the understanding of elementary subjects such as social science, art, music, natural sciences, geography, history, etc. If a country has a lower primary education completion rate, then it leads to a lower youth literacy rate, and that eventually leads to a lower adult literacy rate.
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